How Weekend Binges Can Destroy Your Fat Loss Efforts - Abhinav Malhotra Top Nutritionist and Personal Trainer in Dubai UAE

How Weekend Binges Can Destroy Your Fat Loss Efforts

If you ever wonder why you’ve gained fat while eating and exercising well for most of the week then it it’s not your metabolism that is broken or damaged, it could be the binge eating on weekend or any other day of the week.

Binge eating on any day of the week can not only destroy your fat loss efforts but even make you gain fat!

If you don’t know about this then see in the graphic what happened to Bob (name changed)!

How Weekend Binges Can Destroy Your Fat Loss Efforts - Abhinav Malhotra Top Nutritionist and Personal Trainer in Dubai UAE

Bob maintains his weight on 2500 calories a day. He decides on a 300 calories daily deficit to lose fat.

During the week, he looks to be on target for losing fat.

However, his calorie intake on Friday and Saturday increases drastically due to binge eating in just a couple of meals.

His total calorie intake for the week becomes 20400 i.e. an average of 2914 per day.

Instead of reducing his average weekly calorie intake, he ends up increasing it.

He not only destroys his fat loss efforts but also ends up gaining fat. If he does this for several weekends in a year then he can add significant amount of fat in a year.

Controlling what you eat on the weekend can make or break your fat loss journey.

Just to give a context, if you’re eating out, a standard American meal can give you around 1500 Kcal, you add some desserts and sugary soft drinks, it can easily become 3000 Kcal.


So after an entire week of discipline with diet and training, it’s so easy to still end up gaining fat.

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Many female and male clients have greatly benefited from Abhinav’s strong experience as a top personal trainer and nutritionist in Dubai, UAE. You can see some of his client transformations here.

You’re welcome to contact Abhinav to achieve your fat loss, muscle & strength gain and figure / physique transformation goals!

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About Author

Abhinav Malhotra

Abhinav Malhotra is an award-winning personal trainer, coach and sports nutritionist in Dubai, UAE. He also offers online services to clients around the world. A personal trainer par excellence, Abhi has worked with the world’s leading fitness chains, supplement brands and founded his own fitness academy in India. He has achieved successes for many clients from all backgrounds and has trained the Indian Army Rugby Team. He is the first International Kettlebell Sport athlete from India.

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