Significant improvement in my client’s ‘gait pattern’ who underwent whole brain radiation leading to necrosis and loss of many functions of brain like movement, balance, speech, cognitive decline etc.
One of the best ways to assess nervous system’s function / threat perception is to assess the GAIT.
Any improvements in gait, directly correlates to increased efficiency and overall threat reduction in the brain and subsequent improvements in its functions like movement, balance, posture, autonomics, performance etc.
I’ve been applying the neuro drills and concepts taught to me by the experts in this field.
Neuroscience is amazing and being a fitness professional we cannot neglect studying the most important organ of our body which governs each and every function of it.
This video is to give people hope that brain recovery is POSSIBLE through targeted neuro work and exercise.
You’re welcome to contact Abhinav for the best rehab personal training in Dubai, UAE and to achieve your fat loss, muscle gain, strength gain and figure / physique transformation goals!
Many female and male clients have greatly benefited from Abhinav’s strong experience as a top personal trainer and nutritionist in Dubai, UAE. You can see some of his client transformations here.
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