A healthy mind resides in a healthy body
It is well said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Children naturally grow at a fast pace and can utilize this to their advantage to develop their physical and mental health, fitness and abilities well with proper activities.
Children like the grown-ups have only so much time in a day to do everything. A child with growing strength, endurance and flexibility can gain more energy, focus and confidence to do everything well be it studies, sports, hobbies or social interactions. Such children can take on more activities in their lives and still do them well. Such children also form good long-term habits.
Parents who find their children to not have enough energy, strength, stamina, drive or focus can see good results within the first month itself by putting their children into a structured and progressive personal training program that includes lifting weights.
Parents who find their children to have high energy and want to channelize that into their child’s physical and mental growth can also see good results with personal training.
In this age of growing cases of obesity in children, teenage diabetes and sedentary lifestyle of kids, personal training for kids is getting more popular and acceptable. I am proud of the fact that Team AbhiFit has been the prime mover and pioneer in promoting strength training for kids in Dubai, UAE and we are receiving more and more inquiries from parents wanting to enrol their kids in personal training. However they do have a common question – “Is it safe for children to lift weights? At what age can the kids start lifting weights?”
So when can the child start?
The most important question which comes to a parent’s mind is that at what age can their child start lifting weights? There are “professionals” and “websites” giving half-baked advice and which leads many parents to believe that their children can’t start lifting weights until they’re well into their teens. However, they can’t be more wrong and much worse is that their child loses out on the many years of early-age development which would’ve benefited the child immensely for the course of their lives.
Based on my many years of experience training the kids and thorough research, I can assure you that kids can start lifting weights when they’re 5 years of age. Training for kids is safe and beneficial when it’s age-appropriate and progressive and that they’re trained and monitored for correct form and execution, amount of weight and number of repetitions throughout their training session and that they also have a proper nutrition and recovery program in place.
Kids already lift weights daily whether it is sports equipment, school bag and many other things. With personal training, they lift weights in a structured and progressive way to grow their strength, endurance, flexibility and confidence and to gain more and more knowledge about their bodies and about health and fitness in general. Such gains during early-age also help them to avoid injuries throughout their lives and to build good habits for life. This also helps them to stay leaner and prevent obesity and diabetes as they grow up.
Please contact Abhinav to discuss and learn what we can achieve for your kids through personal training in Dubai, UAE.
Also, please contact us to achieve your fat loss, muscle gain, strength gain and figure / physique transformation goals!
You’re also welcome to read these articles related to kids:
- Fitness & Strength Training for Kids in Dubai (also watch our video in it) https://www.abhifit.com/fitness-and-strength-training-for-kids-in-dubai/
- Kids Can Beat Social Anxiety and Build Confidence with Personal Training https://www.abhifit.com/kids-can-beat-social-anxiety-and-build-confidence-with-personal-training-in-dubai-uae/
Many female and male clients including kids have greatly benefited from Abhinav’s strong experience as a top personal trainer and nutritionist in Dubai, UAE. You can see some of his client transformations here.
Email your Name and WhatsApp No. to info@abhifit.com if you want to receive a notification whenever we publish a new article.
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